Vol.20, No.1 2003


  • Control of Microbes by Heat-Treated Shell Powde..........Jun SAWAI, Hideo IGARASHI and Mikio KIKUCHI..........1
  • Taxonomy of Lactobacillus acidophilus Group and Its Significance..........Tomohiko FUJISAWA..........9


  • Detection of Coliforms in Milk by the SensiMediaTM Method..........Yukiko KAKUTA, Hitoshi KURIKI and Hidemasa MOTOSHIMA..........17

Short Paper

  • Molecular Epidemiological Analysis of an Outbreak Case with Sporadic Cases of Diarrhea Caused by Heat-labile Enterotoxin and Heat-stable Enterotoxin-producing Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli O6 : H16 by Using Pulsed-field Gel Electrophoresis Method..........Hiroaki TSUMAGARI, Kimiko KAWANO, Kazuhisa IWAKUMA,Kahoko NAKAMURA, Jun IWAKIRI, Kazutoshi NAKAMURA and Sumio CHUMAN..........23

Book Review..........31
Proceeding of the Society..........33
Notes to Contributors..........37